Women's Ministry


"Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10
At Calvary, our desire is to encourage women to fulfill their God-given destiny, as wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, while glorifying Him in all they do! In whatever season you find yourself, our Women’s Ministry is designed to help support you, as you live out your faith. Opportunities for fellowship and growth include:
Fall and Spring Bible Studies
Ladies' Christmas Coffee
Ladies' Spring Tea
Bi-Annual Women’s Retreats
Moms' Groups
Weekly Prayer

email: virtuouswomen@calvarysj.org


This fall we will be going through the books of Titus. We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm and Thursdays at 10 am. The price for this study is $20 and childcare will be provided for children in preschool to elementary. To sign up, see the table in the lobby on Sunday. 

WOMEN's Ministry Study Series

Note: 9/28 - 10/19 Videos got deleted in the event of YouTube deleting our channel